Sunday, March 27, 2011

A little slice of life

The photo challenge this week at I heart faces is "A slice of life".  DSC_0039

This is what I face anytime I head out to water the garden.  A sweet boy who cant stay away from the water and a dog that loves the water as well.  He loves helping playing so much that he cries if I go out without him.  I love this kiddo to pieces.  Everyone enjoy your week. 


  1. Oh I forgot to mention that the dog jumps up to have the water hit him. It is crazy funny!

  2. That is hilarious! I have to ask...does the dog ever make it over the fence? Cute photo!

  3. Great shot. Makes me happy to see shots with kids and dogs.

  4. Love the delight in your little boy's face. :) And the dog is hilarious...

  5. Between the smile on your little boy's face, and the canine smile on the neighbour's dog, I was smiling too! That's a great slice of life.

  6. okay, it looks like that is a dog on a stick, maybe a puppet....

  7. Fantastic!! I can just see that dog bouncing behind the fence like a yoyo. =)
