Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here come the words


Tuesday the words just started flowing. I have been waiting for 20 month old E. to start saying words and it is finally happening. We were at Lowes on Tuesday and he found the confidence to say all kinds of animal sounds. A duck says "Ack Ack". A dog says, "Ooof Ooof". This includes a lot of bouncing up and down. A cow says, "Mooooooooo" and I love how his mouth forms this one. A Bear says, "Wrarrrrrrr". So does a lion and dinosoar, in case you were wondering.

We are working on B this week in tot school. He says air (bear), ubbles (bubbles) and all (ball). Mama and addy (daddy) are being said all the time now, along with Anna (sister).

I was so young with "Anna" and had so much going on that I just didnt stop to really remember this time with her. I know I enjoyed the things that she said, but remembering them is another thing. Thank goodness that we have blogs now, so I can capture these moments along with photos.

I adore these two kiddos. This picture was taken on the day that he clearly said Anna for the first time. He also likes to copy everything she does. She dances, he dances. She lies on the floor and he lies on the floor. How fun. I just wanted to capture these few moments before they went away. I love my monkeys!!!!
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1 comment:

  1. I like your picture of E at the top... So sweet he is!! Even if he does push his cousin or not take the gum wrapper out of his mouth like his mommy demanded... :)
